Monday, May 10, 2010

Dogwood Days

Saw this gorgeous photograph by Kari Herer and it just made me happy. How could it not? I would love to have this in a mega huge print in a big white frame with a wide mat hung low above the couch or leaning against the wall with a cluster of other prints on a shelf.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Have you seen the trailer for Babies? Oh man! It looks so beautiful. The wide sweeping shots of the landscape, the rich colors... I haven't even seen this new doc. but I'm already blown away. Check out these stills.

In other news, my wonderful, fabulous, generous etc. boss is letting us go early today, and I couldn't be happier. The sun is shining and I have a weekend of home projects I can't wait to get crakin' on. Happy Friday!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Jo, you're my hero!

After 8 days of watching the bidding for this wedding dress that I put on Ebay go nowhere, I decided to take action. I emailed the lovely Joanna, of Cup of Joe, about the dress to see if she thought it was blog worthy. Well, she thought it was as lovely as I did and wrote about it here. And that bidding went up like gangbusters! Oh, the power of blogging. Thank you, Joanna!