Monday, April 6, 2009

Lovey Dovey...

For one reason or another Per-Lars and I had very few pictures of us together...until now. Friend and photographer, Matt Sumi of Flowertoss Wedding Photography, ventured over to the Island this week and brought his camera. Thanks Matt!!

Make sure you check out Matt's site. He has some really beautiful work and Per-Lars and I are so excited to have him photograph our wedding.

Little Per-Lars and Family, Guest Blogger: Per-Lars

 Here's me, pondering existence.

"Pass the soap."

When this photo was printed in the Island Beachcomber in 1980, it was my first taste of fame.

Little AliKat and Family...

I get a real kick out of going through my family's old photos, thought you folks might like to see them too.

The Katica family (my big brother, Charlie, mom Nancy, Me, and dad, Bob), all dressed up in our WAZZU get up. Mom and dad are both alums of WSU and that's where they met and fell in love.

Grandpa George and Grannie Annie Katica with Charlie and I.

Charlie "Don't Call Me Chaz" Katica and I. For those of you that are fortunate enough to know my big brother, you'll agree when I say he is the nicest guy around. Luckily for me, he was willing to be my Best Man. Thanks brother!

Auhhhh! Bob Kat and Ali Kat.

Charlie and I on one of our first days of school. Check out all that denim. Pretty sweet.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Thank you!...

Thank you to the Vashon wrestlers, who came over to the wedding site for a work party. And thank you to the foreman, Dave Chapman, for organizing the great undertaking.