Friday, March 6, 2009


I'd like to give a little shout-out to our photographer, Matt Sumi, of Flower Toss Photography. Matt is a buddy of Alison's, who she also happens to work with. We've been a big fan of his beautiful photographs since 1982. Take a look for yourself at the Flower Toss site.

Happy Friday!

These beautiful photos by Paolo Roversi give me chills. Just stunning.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


This beautiful creation from the beautiful mind of Su Blackwell. Her art brings the subject or story books literally off the page.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

No-Trash Bash.

Sustainable Vashon provides a very cool service to Islanders who are throwing a party but want to cut down on trash. The organization loans out plates, glasses, silverware, napkins- everything you need to serve your guests. Pretty sweet, eh?
Check out all the cool things this organization is up to on their website.

Monday, March 2, 2009

lunch time clouds

Could you love em' more?